Blizzard recently backed off its threat to ban a player for advertising an LGBT guild in World of Warcraft.
There are three things that dissapoint me about this.
One: That a clearly bigoted Blizzard staff went after this girl for trying to form a guild where gays, lesbians and bisexuals wouldn't be subjected to constant hurt by the homophobia that pervades most online games.
Two: That it took an outcry from huge swaths of World of Warcraft players and protests from a number of gay rights activist groups to get Blizzard to rescind its warning and apologize to the player.
Three: That GameSpot gave no coverage of this at all.
I find it sickening that one of the better gaming news sites will do everything it can to help fan the Hot Coffee flames, but won't say a damned thing when a multi-million dollar gaming company decides to attack a player for her sexuality.
To the GameSpot staff, I say this: Every one of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Your silence regarding this clearly important news issue says volumes about where you stand both on showing the dark side of the gaming industry and on gay rights.
A raspberry to Blizzard. A raspberry to GameSpot.
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