YukoAsho / Member

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If It's Stupid, It Leads

(Rant mode on)

I understand full well that you have to keep up with people in the gaming industry as well as with the companies and games.

However, why the hell should I care about a guy who used to work at a glorified garage operation crashing his Ferrari?

It amazes me what passes as news sometimes, really it does. From Snoop Dogg forming a gaming league to the various company job openings that get touted as news, GameSpot's news section sinks more and more into mediocrity and eventual irrelevance. Meanwhile, they ignore things that actually do matter. Why exactly is some Sweedish mobster slamming into a pole newsworthy, but homosexuals being harassed by World of Warcraft GMs isn't?

Here's a tip, GameSpot. Instead of giving us sensationalized garbage and fueling the Hot Coffee nonsense, how about reporting on things that actually matter?

(Rant mode off)