More Power Isn't Just for Realism
by YukoAsho on Comments
I've heard many people bemoaning the increase in power that the next generation of systems bring with them. Yes, there are problems with ease of programming, though likely more so with the PS3 than with the Xbox 360. Yes, there will be pressure on many to make games more realistic, more meticulous in rendering, and in some ways more generic. However, that isn't the only future. There are many companies, including Namco, Capcom, and Sony's own Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games, that are committed to keeping the cartoony look alive. These systems allow companies, should they wish, to make games with graphics damn near along the lines of modern anime using cel-shading techniques or other ways to preserve the anime style. Imagine if you will a Tales game that allows the enlarged characters normally seen in battle to be used during the rest of the game. Instead of going into a battle screen, the enemies could suddenly rush into the environment, much like Chrono Trigger, without any break from the immersion. Imagine a Xenosaga game where cutscenes, gameplay and battle move from one segment to the other seamlessly, with no noticable load screen or unusual pause, save perhaps to ask for a save (this IS Xenosaga, after all). Imagine a Jak game with huge, bright, colorful cities straight out of the style of Coyboy Bebop or AKIRA, being able to run around those citires freely while tackling the Metalhead forces, which now sport more of a wild, cartoon villian look. Yes, realism is going to be here to stay. However, along with that realism will be games that are able to make their in-game graphics match the anime art on the front cover. It'll be a long time before the game industry rejects its anime styled games.