Okay so here I am in my depressed mood!! Don't blink, you might miss it!!! I know it doesnt happen often but when it does, its a doozey!!! I feel like sleeping for a million years. I think I'm just finally burnt out! There's only so much of yourself you can give to everyone, before theres no more to give! I feel like a literal walking zombie!! Between kids, and work and Mike working 24/7 literally!! And then bills and the house cleaning and laundry and it all just piles up and piles up and I get more and more overhwhelmed and I can't do it!!! I'm just plain tired!! Yeah tomorrow I will probably be my chipper little happy self again, I'm sure yall miss it!! So Im gonna go before I bored all of you out of your minds!! Bye!
Yunalily Blog
Careful, teh spork is evil!!
by Yunalily on Comments
*Poke* heheheheh Miss me?? Probably not!! Oh well *poke poke* Hurry run from the spork!!!!!! heheheh sorry Crazy moment there! Anywho I am almost to level 3!!!! *does neekid dance* w00t!!! Uh huh.........oh yeah.......get jiggy!! lmao Cant wait to get my Siggy up!!! Anywho..............................*silence*..................*crickets chirp*......................hehehehehe suspense is killing you aint it? lol w00t!!!!!!!!! Kk Im off to post and annoy the hell outta people, *smiles evilly* Hehehe Thats what Im good at!! *runs after you with a spork* *POKE*
Noob!!! I don't think so!!!
by Yunalily on Comments
Okay so My first time on GS, and I was lost! I mean loooooosssttt! But I am smarter than the average bear (I think) And I posted and posted until I couldn't post anymore, well not really, but I figured it out! So yay! Hopefully yall can just bear with me, in all my wierdness and stuffs!!!! Still haven't gotten it all down pat and I'm scared of mean peoples that everyone keeps telling me about lol lol *hides under bed* Hehehehe! So beware of the Yunalily!! Ta-Ta for now! :P
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