Super Smash Brothers Brawl
The amount of depth that this game will have is simply mind blowing. I've been following the daily updates and if that is all that is in the game I will be throughly happy. However, I believe Sakurai still has some treats for us, and i simply can't wait(like most of you). With online play and 3 roommates, this game will be played.....ALOT.
Dragon Quest Swords
I've never really followed the Dragon Quest series, so it's to be expected that I'm not super hyped. However, the game does seem to have some potential and squenix usually keeps me happy. This is a title that I will simply have to wait and see some reviews before buying.
Mario Kart Wii
Easily my second most anticipated game(behind SSBB). Nintendo will probably stay true to the kart series, which is perfectly fine. Online will be enjoyable, as it was with the DS. The inclusion of more racers than 8 will be chaotic, but fun. My only hang-up is that they will try and make the racing more luck based than skill. Never-the-less, the game will be awesome.
House of the Dead:2 and 3
A remake of the popular arcade game that i enjoy so very much...awesome. The fact that it will probably be horribly short......crap. This game will either go terribly wrong, or be mediocre. I don't expect much from this game, but it may make a good rental.
A PS2 port...ugh....i know. However, I never played it and have heard very good things about it. If it's $40 or less, I'll consider buying it.
Star Wars:Forced Unleashed
Certainly an awesome concept, even from the stand point of someone who isint crazy about the series(i.e. me). Probably like red steel though, the game will do a few things well, but overall will be the suckness for these reasons:
-Will have poor graphics(late PS2 at best)
-Loose controls
-Relativily short(15-20 hours )
Of coarse, this is speculation, it could inevitably be awesome...but i doubt it.
Animal Crossing Wii
Will probably expand on the already great world that the previous two games have created. Online will(probably) be greatly improved from the DS version, giving the game more replayablilty. This aspect is by far the most important if your like me(by that i mean play for about a month, then get tired of it), so this is certainly a game I'm looking out for.
Wii Fit
The balance board is more intriging to me than the game itself, simply because it has so much potential. Snowboarding, Skate games, soccer, and many other genres could inevtiably be changed because of the balance board. Wii Fit will be kinda cool, but I'm fit so I really don't need a game for that.
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Don't know much about it, but it looks pretty cool:P
King Story
I luffs me some RPG time. All of what I've heard is good, and puts it near the top of my list
Well thats the end of my preview, I probably missed a couple of games that are looking good...but o well its my blog:P I'm sure as the year progresses we will only get more and more awesome titles to look forward too:D
p.s.- if brawl is delayed again, somebody WILL DIE!!!!!!