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E3 2007 : How did the Big three do

Hey to you all,

In this post I'll talk abit about how I think the big three have done at this year E3 through watching the press conferences and also following the coverage of the show generally so let's start


For me Sony was the best of the three, they had a really hard job trying to change the image they left from last year E3, but I think they did well at that, the press conference was fine and had just the right pace to keep you interesting, and at the end of the show they have shown that 2008 can be the year for the PS3 with number of games that have the potential to be great hits for the system, MGS 4 was amazing as usual, but I think the real surprise was Killzone 2, many people thought that Sony will never be able to make a game that can live up to the reputation of the famous trailer of 2005 but they did it and showed a great looking demo that made everybody excited again about Killzone 2 and about the PS3 in a very critical time for Sony, also Heavenly Sword is one of my favorite games of the show, this game looks absolutely phenomenal from a graphical point of view, I think the character animations in it are something that were never seen before and will represent a new bar for next gen games, also the price cut was a good move for them but I guess their success came from the games they have showed, I don't think the redesgined PSP is very big news for anybody,also Home news were pretty good for me, it showed that it's beginning to develop and improve towards a more complete and integrated online community for the PS3 and has it's own personality away from the natural comparison with the very robust Live, all and all Sony had a good amount of good news and games for people and PS3 to be excited about


Well Microsoft didn't do bad, but also it didn't do very good, the press conference was less than exciting except maybe for halo3 part, but otherwise it gave the feeling that Microsoft don't have something new to say, I think also they really didn't offer alot of new games to be excited about, for me I guess PGR was the biggest new game for them in this year E3 beside ofcourse Halo 3, but most of the games they already showed was multi-platform, except ofcourse if u consider naurto an amazing exclusive to think of :P !!!, so I guess the main star for Microsoft this year was that Halo 3 is just about to be here, and I guess that's enough for them for the mean time


It's always fun to watch a Nintendo press conference, always a lot of laughs in it:D:D:D, although the press conference was more like a long ad for the wii and how it's changing the world as we know :P, but anyway it's their right, after all the Wii and the DS sales is absolutely amazing right now, but the question will this continue or Nintendo luck will change?? for me I was so impressed with super Mario galaxy, it just looks and plays amazingly, the ultimate mario experience, also metriod prime was really good, it made me wonder why they just don't make games that looks that good for the Wii ?? it's obvious that it can be done, so these two games showed that there's a chance for having beautiful looking games on the Wii after all, anyway it was more like Nintendo was celebrating their success more than anything else, Wii Fit was..I don't know, till now I can't have a certain impression about it or will it succed or fail, but it's obvious that Nintendo is playing on the success of brain age, making products that seems far away from games, but can relate to casual people who normally aren't interested in games and hook them up, but it seems fun, and the ball heading match at the end of the conference was really cool :D

So that's it, a really fast overview of the Big three at E3 2007, I hope you like it and am waiting to hear how you think, so please feel free to leave your comments..Speak Your Mind ;)!!