Why does my spacebar always die in blog posts? x_x Anyway, last night it rained. I think rain is so amazing. It always makes me think (with journal in hand, of course. ;)). It's beautiful and refreshing and chilling and imaginitive and just amazing. Something soawesome seems like it has to be spontanious. No wayit can be planned. But it was planned. There's a whole system behind it, and a God behind the system. Wow.
The stars are innumerable, yet he named each of them. Twist that around your head--you can't count them, but you can name them. So this amazing being (God) has the power to do whatever he pleases. And what does he please? He makes us; sinful human beings. He puts up with our junk and even goes beyond that. He forgives it too! And he *drumroll* loves us! It's mind blowing.