No money = No games
by ZOnikJJ on Comments
I need to find a way (most likely a part time job) to make some fast cash before the holiday season. Not only do I have a bunch of toys I want to buy for myself, but I also need money to buy friends and family toys for Christmas (teh lame.... [not really]). So, here is my so called "to buy" list for myself: - Nintendo Wii: $250 + tax - Super Smash Bros. Brawl: $50 + tax - The Orange Box: $55 + tax - Rock Band: $170 + tax Total cost: $525 + tax = $569.63 Ok, so I know I'm a bit ambitious in my spending, but I really want all these games. I think I might just hold off with the Rock Band since I am having a great time with DrumMania V4 right now. Anyway, I have always had a $250 Wii fund sitting around in my bank account awaiting the day I find a Wii in stores (still no luck to this day), and I know I have enough money for "small" purchases such as The Orange Box and SSBB, so all that leaves is the money to spend on other people for the holidays.... oh well, I guess I'm just going to be an ass this year....