ZabuzaR / Member

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ZabuzaR Blog

Need Spore buddies

Does anyone want to become friends on Spore? I just started playing Spore and would like to add some friends to get me back into the game.

My username is Twinkiman89

Fable 2

I managed to pick up this game on Tuesday (I got the LE). And so far I am enjoying it. I am a little disapointed though on the multiplayer though...

What are you thoughts of this game?

(BTW I am a little pissed off. I went to find my DLC card for the LE and never got it...)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Friend Codes

SSBB box art cover

I finally got Brawl... The long wait has finally come to an end!!! I would have posted this a couple days ago but I have been having too much fun playing it!!!

I also play the game online so if anyone is intrested feel free to add me. My FC is 3136-6255-0019 and my username online is Ray! If anyone wants to you can add me on your Wii as well. My Wii code is 3944-5072-3926-0030.

If you added me post your codes here or send them to me by PM.

Hope to see some of you online soon!!!

I got a new game... Final Fantasy Legends 2

Today I started to replay The Final Fantasy Legend for the GameBoy.

Final Fantasy Legend Box Art

I have been replaying it because I just bought Final Fantasy Legends 2, and I want to beat the first one before I play it. I always have been a fan of Final Fantasy and never got a chance to play the old ones for the gameboy. Hopefully this will fill in the time before SSBB comes out early next month.

Final Fantasy Legend II Box Art

Maybe after I beat them (if I ever do) I will post reviews about them. If anyone ever gets the chance go buy these games. Some of the best originals of the GB I played.

No More Heroes is a must have Wii game!

Just recently I have beat No More Heroes. All I have to say about this game is "wow". This game is a must have for all the mature owners of the Wii. Please support the struggling third party companies on the Wii and buy this game! If intrested please read my full review on this game located here.

Metroid Prime 3

Yesterday was a great day for gaming, I went to Gamestop about noon yesterday and picked up Metroid Prime 3. I am on the third world on the game and I am enjoying every minute so far. I think this game might even beat Super Metroid in my favorites.

If anyone would like to trade Wii codes to exchange Friend Vouchers then feel free to reply here or PM me about it. (If you ask me this whole friend voucher thing is retarted)

Wii needs friends.

Hey this is a message to all my friends here at GS. I just got my wireless back up and got my Wii online. However I need some people to add on my friends list... It gets boring lol. However I won't be on my Wii for 3 days so if you could send me a message and I would get back to you. Thanks.

I am back...

I decided to take a break online for a while during X-mas... Well I am back. Nothing much happend in a while but I did magange to get a xbox 360. So far I like it. I only have two games right now but I plan to get some more in the near future. Enchanted Arms (a medicore RPG) and Lost Plant that I waited in line this morning to get. Well that is just about my gaming news... Glad to be back.
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