I was luck enough as a kid to be able to own both systems. While I do love them both, I would have to put my money on SNES. Its not because of a hardware reason, more because the SNES had more memorable RPGs for me.
ZabuzaR's forum posts
Mario Kart and Zelda: OoT3D are the two I am looking forward too.
Does anyone have an idea when the update for the 3ds system transfer will be?
I think most people who think the 3DS will flop is not because of the lack of titles, but because they think that the 3D is a "gimmick" The way I see it, saying that the 3D is a gimmick is like saying that 1080p is a gimmick as well. 3D is a new technology that will get better.
EDIT: Typo
I like both generations. However, the old generation dominates the newer generation IMO.
I had an argument with a friend a couple days ago. He claims that the new Star Wars MMO The Old Republic will devastate the number of players in WoW. Claiming that it will take up to 40% of the subscribers the first year from WoW the SWtoR. While I do think it will take SOME people over to the new MMO, I find it hard to believe that it will devastate the WoW community.
Does anyone think that it will hit WoW hard?
Just like what everyone mentioned above. It is old. The technology has been out to date for YEARS.
However, Just because they don't make them anymore doesn't mean you can't enjoy them. Heck once in a while I pull mine out of the closet to play some OoT.
Legend of Dragoon. I don't really need to explain why.
If this was posted a month ago I would say No More Heroes. lol
Maybe spore can be the first... I wouldn't be suprized.
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