@Psycold I agree. How on Earth do some people have the gall to judge people or attack people and not even admit to it when you don't even know the person or have been in their shoes? It makes me question the motive.
Carolyn, I always look forward to reading stuff from you. You always seem to have strong emotional, psychological and philosophical connections to games and thus have very interesting and humanitarian opinions. Thanks
I thought Cave Story's difficulty caveat was pretty interesting. The game is incredibly easy to pick up, it has quite a smooth difficulty curve upwards, the occasional spike with the hard boss and figuring out what to do, providing satisfaction and confidence to the gamer, that is semi challenging for any gamer on the normal difficulty by the end. Play it on hard and it is still simple, but the execution required can be very exacting. If that's too easy, the most fascinating part is the secret 'hell' section that only the hardcore gamer will even find, which provides a very hearty challenge that can be replayed for a highscore. More games should have a sort of secret über hard difficulty section like that!
this article is just plain stupid. What is the point? Any random stranger can dislike the UI and how it functions. You can't make an article headling "Vita: What Went Wrong" when the article is just petty complaints wrapped in pointless verbose.
ZachMasta's comments