hey everyone, if there is anyone out there who speaks and writes french like the best, or who was even born and raised in france and who can help me translate a little text, it isn"t much, well actually you just have to read the text and correct the mistakes in it, the text is about 150 words, anyway if you want to help me, message me, or mail me / add me : FFVII.crisis.core@ hotmail.com
I also find it funny TC,that you do not want me posting because i am ruining the fun,yet though you may hate my opinion I have stayed within the topic you set up,whereas you yourself have helped make almost two pages of posts about english speaking proficiency,which has nothing to do with the thread you started.
look let's just not discuss this any further, I don't want toargue with you on a forum, because i can't find the right english words to tell you how i think, and besides, I do not think I am special for being a girl gamer, you were wrong for thinking that just because i said, if you don't think girls are special
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