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Damned by LimeWire ~BLOG EDIT~

Well, I was all excited at first when XJ told me of LimeWire - but guess what? I downloaded a sh*tload of songs and all the Green Day ones were junk, most of the others were sh*tty and we even got a little spyware. It's all taken care of, though - I can't do LimeWire anymore. Thankfully I didn't get in trouble or anything. So that's why I'm going to beg for an i-Pod for my birthday...

Also, I was looking through my CCS catalogue (skate stuff) and I found this shirt, which I'm gonna get to wear on the first day of school (maybe):

Also, I'm thinking of getting these Zoo York jeans, as well...and for those who'd like to know, my first day if school is August 25th (or 26th, can't remember). :( I don't wanna go back! But I'm going to a new school, that's the only good thing, plus my favorite teacher EVER (from fifth grade) will be teaching there.

Today's SOTD is "Laffy Taffy" by D4L. Correct me if I've already done it before :P

EDIT: I created a new Freewebs website! Here it is (I advise you to create one as well):

Have an awesome day! :D