Any list of awesome F2P games isn't a real list unless it includes, in addition to a couple mentioned in this video, Planetside2, Rift, Hawken, and Warframe.
Here's my only thought: why is gaming a lower form of pastime than whatever else you'd be doing? What makes that other thing something "better" to do with your time? If you don't have a good answer, then you're worrying over nothing. Play games, have fun, let life run its course the way you want it to, without forcing it to go some other direction just so you can "broaden your horizons" or "better yourself" or some other lameass catchphrase.
GameSpot, for real - get someone else to do these video reviews. Hearing VanOrd's boring, awkwardly forced monologues in EVERY major game release seriously detracts from the quality of these video reviews.
Zalakat's comments