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ZaleIsBackAgain Blog

2000 Reviews

Wow, first blog in 4 years!

It took 5 years, but I finally written up 2000 reviews. I really can't believe it myself, and I'm not sure whether or not I should be proud of it because there's a good amount of reviews that I've written just so I can add to my count, but I do my best to proof read and make each one better. It's odd, I still remember what inspired me to do this; back then I saw lots of people with over 300 and 500 written reviews, most of them either poorly written or are just mere summaries of the episode disguised as reviews, and I wanted to up one them. Next thing I know I was at 1000 and I wanted to push forward. Although at first I saw it as a competition, now I review just because I love writing. Maybe I'll push for 3000? haha

On a side note, connecting my Facebook to my account was a mistake. My avatar is now whatever my Facebook default picture is and whenever I try to change my avatar, it changes again. Although I realize your avatar doesn't change if you're not logged onto Facebook, that's hard for me to do, I'm always on Facebook, lol.

Still a long way to go

Reaching 5000 reviews just becomes a more impossible task as I churn out more of them.  Though recently, I've been merely writing reviews just because I've become so accustomed to writing a review after watching an episode.  If I ever do reach this goal, it was because it just happened; not because I desperately wanted to write 5000 reviws jsut for the sake of it.  Recently finished both Mummies Alive and Slam Dunk.  I read the Slam Dunk manga soon afterwards, and read the rest of it that same day.  The manga is so much better than the anime, I definitely recommend it to everyone. 

I've recently gotten into editorship as I've noticed one of my favourite shows, Photon, is completely empty with no guides whatsoever.  Unintentionally, I became the editor for Slam Dunk, which feels kind of good because more points are rewarded as opposed to reviews.  Though it kind of gets annoying having to accept submissions.

Currently watching:

Noein, Kannaduki no Miko, Dragonball Z, The Batman, Jackie Chan Adventures.

I'm gonna be sick for the rest of the week >_

Today, I went to a friend's house and we played this game called consequence.  There were four of us, and we written down all of these punishments on cards.  We take 4 other cards, one of them being a joker, and whoever gets the joker has to be punished by the designated card. 

Luckily, or unluckily for me, I got the joker on the first three rounds.  I had to eat raw ground coffee, a teaspoon of salt, and half an onion.  Expectedly, I threw up after the onion, and I couldn't perform the 4th round punishment, which I also lost...(which was a nipple twister by the way done 3 times by the 3 other people playing the game). 

I feel stupid now >_

I didn't know both people had to track each other in order to be friends...I thought it only had to be one person!  Well that's why I've only had 2 people under my friends list this whole time and I've been wondering to myself if people just didn't want to be my friend lol.

Slam Dunk!

Right now, I'm hooked to this one anime called Slam Dunk!  I suggest everyone who reads this blog to watch it.

NBA Favourites

Since I'm such a huge NBA fan, I decided to just post random pictures of some of my favourite NBA players.


Morris Peterson

His girl

Steve Nash

Richard Hamilton

Corey Maggette


Gonna be at my home country the Philippines for a couple weeks, and I probably won't be back until the beginning of August.  This will stall my goal of hitting 5000 reviews, but it'll be a nice break.  

Funny videos

For the past 2 hours I've been surfing around the myspace video section looking for funny videos, and I've never laughed this much in a while, check them out:
This one was hilarious when I first saw it, but a couple times after, it wasn't really that funny any more.
This one's my favourite. Wow I rolled this for about 50 times now and I'm still cracking up.
Not really funny, but just awesome.

4500 more to go.

I finally hit the 500 mark for total reviews. 4500 more to go. Started watching Naruto again, Law of Ueki, Dragonball Z, and just about finishing up Full Moon wo Sagashi-te and The Twelve Kingdoms.

Senior year!

My junior year is coming to a close.  It was a great year for me, even though it could also be considered my worst.  I came to Torrance California from Windsor Canada around late September.  My summer vacation pretty much lasted three months.  Though I didn't realize how hard it was for a person, who just moved in from another school, to handle the situation.  Not knowing anyone really sucked, but things steadily got better as my year advanced.  Everyone calls me Canadian in my school, even the teachers, and I was a lot more active compared to my other years in school life.  

I'm not the most responsible student, but I sure had fun anyways.  I probably had one of the more easier schedules compared to my other classmates, not taking science or math, and taking easy classes like choir, sophomore PE, ceramics, and creative writing.  I considered Creative Writing easy since I loved writing a lot.  Senior year will be much different for me, but I'm sure it'll be fun.
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