Since I really have nothing else better to do, I might as well update this blog; and since you also have nothing else better to do, you might as well read it. (See? It works out.)
I've want to do a blog for a while, it's just that either I think of something that I want to blog about and I'll be at work or hanging out with friends and by the time I get home with some spare time on my hands and try to think of what is was I was going to write about it just isn't really there anymore. You know how it is, or at least I hope you do. Please tell me I'm not alone with this.
But enough with the petty excuses its blog time! I'd love to fill you all in on all of the odds and ins of my life of the past few months, but then you'd all just skim through it, reading maybe a tenth of what I write and move on cause you're bored. I know how that is. So I'll try to keep it brief.
First off, I got a job. :o. Amazing no? Which means I finally have money again!!! :). After being unemployed for almost a year I'd forgotten how great it is to have money again! This means I can finally buy a 360, a PS3 and maybe even a PSP if I happen to just have some extra money lying around. But...since it's almost Christmas I have decided to wait until after Christmas to buy any new consoles. Why? Two reasons, well, three. 1: I'm holding out hope that one of my friends or loving family members will take pity on me and buy me a new me some cash. 2: Now this may surprise you or it may not, but I am a VERY generous gift giver. Last year I bought my sister Twilight Princess, my brother a $50 lego set, my other brother New Super Mario Bros., and my mom an SP; I bought one of my friends Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, another a set of throwing knifes, and yet another a new 360 controller; all while I was unemployed, and those are just the ones I remember. So yeah, I'm already going to be spending a ton of money over the next month or so. And 3: um, yeah I kinda already said it, but it gives me a chance to save at least a little money...for now.
If you're wondering why I changed the color of the text it's actually just a clever ploy to keep those of you with short attention spans interested. (You: Crafty! Me: I know.) Anyway, so now is when I talk about all the new games and gaming type stuff that I've recently played and/or bought. Starting with the most recent Pictured bellow is everything I bought yesterday.
A decent amount. Plus I picked up a clasic controller and a few Wii Points cards( I don't have a credit card so...) It actually set me back about $250. (which makes me think about how I could've just bought a 360 for just a little bit more :|) Now Banjo Kazzoie: Nuts & Bolts - I actually bought this game as a gift for a friend of mine, and we both agree that the original Banjo Kazooie is quite possibly the greatest 3D platformer ever created, so we've both been dying to try this one out. And since we're both very impatient people I actually gave it to him today and we spent about four hours trying it out. Great game! Could have been better. First off, the vehicle creator is awesome and it alone warrants the buying of this game. I'm not going to try and describe it in detail but I will say that of the 4 hours we spent play the game a good 2 1/2 were spent just building vehicles and testing them out. (And a good half hour of that was spent trying in vain to build a working unicycle.) The game gives you a great deal of freedom when contructing vehicles and it really couldn't have done much better. The vehicles also control very well and just feel right. That's the good news. The bad news is that the game world itself just doesn't feel designed all that well. It's not necessarily bad, it's just that there are several times when you wish the game would do a better time of telling you what you need to do and where you need to go, and the world just feels a little overly complicated. I probably just need to spend a little more time with the game but still, it just could have been done better. It doesn't help that the text is ridiculously small, and that there is very little spoken dialog actually in the game. I have near perfect vision and even I was having trouble reading it. Which is a shame because not only does this make it harder to know what you're supposed to do, but the game's script is also hilariously, laugh-out-loud funny. Still, if you're playing on a nice decent size TV unlike me, the small text might be a mute point.
Another strategically claver color change, muhaha. - Animal I'm wrong but.....ah.....well....isn't this pretty much the exact same damn game that came out four years ago! Come on Nintendo really? I mean REALLY? I love you Nintendo but there is only so long that I can put up with crap like this. Still, I only played a couple of day of the original, and I like the new city, and the ability to go to friends towns is neat, and I guess the Wii speak alright too but would a little effort be too much to ask?
 clasic controller - Needs a little more support at the bottom so you can get a better grip, but other than that I'm happy.
Resident Evil 4 - Again, happy.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - My advise: rent it.
Other games I've played recently:
Gears of War 2 - I hate to say it, but I really don't like this game as much as I thought I would. The level design is alright, could have been better, the combat is pretty much the same, graphics are improved. Some of the characters and story are just kida lame though. Still, if you own a 360 and don't own this game you should. I haven't tried the multiplayer and I haven't even gotten past the second level yet so take what I've said about this game worth a grain of salt.
The Orange Box - I bought this game for Portal. That's why I bought it. But even though Portal IS all it's cracked up to be, I have to say that the Half-Life games are my favorite part of this package. HL2 is one of the best single player FPS's I've ever played. A complete blast form start to finish. And yeah, Portal is awesome, but you already knew that. Still, I didn't expect to actually finish Portal in under 3 hours on my first time through. WAY to short.
No More Heroes - I was skeptical about this game, but playing through this game has been one of my best gaming experiences this year. I love this game! It's weird! It's nuts!!! It's...uh...actually I can't say that word on this site. But this game is insane, in a good way. It's got a few problems and it's not for eveybody, but if own a Wii you need to at least rent this game.
Okay, that's about it. Wait, one more thing. I am victorious! My mom just beat The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the DS! For the most part, by herself!!! It has taken me years to get to this point. I now have her playing Windwaker and from there maybe I'll move on to Twilight Princess. My next project - my dad. I already have him playing Mario Kart and Brawl, so I'm kind of proud of myself for that. Anyway, that's about it. If you happened to read this entire blog. Thank you. I don't know what could have possibly compelled you to do so, but you're awesome, I love you. I'll probably post another blog in a couple of days, but for now, I think this is enough. Now I'm off to make some long overdue comment on my friends blogs. CYA (Wait, did I really just use that acronym? *sigh* SON OF A... Â
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