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Going to Thailand on the 13th of April for sure.

I wrote a blog before saying I might be going,but now it's certain and my ticket is paid for.Too bad it's only for 10 days,if I could I would live in Thailand and never come back to Australia(Sydney has the worst rated public transport in the world,as well as internet speed that's 30 times slower than Asia's,cold weather for 6 months of the year,I like Thai food and the Thai food in Australia is not authentic and doesn't taste anywhere as good as real Thai food,and Australian food is boring,I also prefer Thai women and Australian women are not my type,and also Thailand has a better selection of video games and they're much cheaper too and Thailand has many games that are never officially released outside of Japan,and many JRPGs that are hard to find in Australia are easy to find in Thailand and many games come to Australia before Thailand and I can buy the games in Thailand that the Australian government banned!).

Anyways,enough of my rant about why I like Thailand better than Australia,I'm very excited and when I'm in Thailand I'm not going to be on Gamespot much.I will be in Thailand from April 13th-until April 24th and I'm not even gonna bother bringing my laptop cuz when I'm in Thailand there's many things I'd much rather do than look at a computer screen,but it's no big deal cuz nobody will miss me anyways.Hell last time I was in Thailand/Malaysia for 3 months only one person on my friend list sent me a PM to ask what happened to me cuz I was hardly ever on Gamespot.

I definately wanna buy Persona 4 in Thailand,I can get it for 80 baht which is like 2$ American(or something like that)and I want to get Persona 3 in English(I have it in Japanese and because the writing is in Japanese I can't even tell if it's Persona 3 or Persona 3 FES!!!) Oh and Dark Cloud 1 and 2 have slipped my games collection and I want at least 1 Dark Cloud game,but people have said the 2 are quite different so maybe I should buy both since I can find them for around 80 Baht.

PC games(genuine copies)are 1/2 the price or even much cheaper than the price they are in Australia,and Thailand has better selection.PC has the best selection of Western RPGs,RTS and Sim games and in Thailand I can find many of them for cheap and I want to buy Call of Duty 5 for PC since FPS are s u c k s to play with controller and I want to buy Mass Effect.

And I've mentioned on another blog how I can buy 25 Nintendo DS games for around 50$ Australian,and I can choose from the lastest Nitendo DS games,rare ones which haven't officially been released outside of Japan etc.And it's funny to think about this because in Australia new release Nintendo DS games can be over 50$ each(for just one game!!!!) The Nintendo DS has sooooooooooooooooooooo many great JRPGs and great Japanese titles now,literally hundreds that I don't already own,I don't know which ones to choose.

The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the 8 hour plane trip,and there's alooooooooooot of Australian tourists in Thailand,and when they hear my accent they try to talk to me(I don't have a problem if they say hello and make conversation)but many of them talk negatively about Thailand,or about the Thai King,government and people.And a few Australian women I've met in Thailand acted all excited when they heard my voice and found out I was an Aussie guy in Thailand with them,and then they started acting all snotty when they found out I was dating a Thai girl and they would be negative about it trying to tell me why they thought the relationship with me and the Thai girl wouldn't work even before they had even met the girl or trying to tell me why they think ''Australian women are more faithful and better''and they would keep calling me constantly and turning up at my hotel...and would try to talk to me about s e x... The same thing happened when I've visited America too.

I can't wait to visit my relatives because I have Thai relatives and they are lovely people and are so welcoming and always invite me and my brother and father(who's not even Thai)to spend time with them.Where as many of my Australian relatives(on my father's side of the family) are drug addicts,in jail or don't want to talk with us(I'm not lying about this either,I know it sounds insane and horrible but it's all true)

Anyways,I thought I would talk abit about my upcoming trip and abit about myself since I've noticed I don't talk about very many personal things on here except games.Ok bye for now.