Final level of Super Mario 64
You have to jump onto many moving platformings,and judge delicate flame patterns and gusts of wind,and missing just one jump or falling off a platform(whether it was a flame that sent Mario running off the edge or a gust of wind blowing him off)meant you had to redo alot of work.Then the final battle against Bowser involved throwing him into the bombs 3 times(just once is hard enough)and avoiding all his attacks and Bowser removed areas of the floor which could send you falling to your death.And even if you made it to Bowser,if you died against him you had to do those annoying,long platform segments all over again!
Battle with Vayne on Final Fantasy XII
Vayne is the final boss on FFXII and you have to defeat a few different forms of him,and I can't beat the final form of him without bubble belts and to get bubble belts you have to do alot of sidequests and without a guide you would have no idea how to get them.In FFXII without bubble belts,you cannot level up to 9999 HP(the max it will let you is around 6000 HP)and Vayne can remove 2000 HP each time he attacks and he attacks every few seconds and he also does high powered attacks that remove most of the health of all your characters.And it's a long battle too,and losing to Vayne means you have to redo the battles against his different forms.
Final section before the final boss battle with Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII
I actually don't mind the final battle with Sephiroth because it's unpredictable,even if you level your characters up to 9999 HP and level 99 you can still easily lose because of his Super Nova attack which brings the of all your characters to around 400 HP no matter how highly they're levelled up.But to make things fair Sephiroth's total HP is based on how highly your characters are levelled too.
Anyways the section right before the final battle involves jumping over theseplatforms(where every few steps you take there's a good chance you'll face random battles against these giant creatures carrying swords that continously swipe at your entire party with their swords removing alot of HP from all your party members each swipe).
Then after the platform section,there's a boss battle against a creature you must kill before the count down ends(the battle is quite easy but time consuming),then you have to face the first form of Sephiroth,and he keeps using the lifesteam energy to heal himself and can do an attack which brings a character down to 1HP(and the final battle is still to come afterwards so you'll need to be careful when using mega elixers and even worse after this battle it doesn't give you time to prepare your characters for the final battle with Sephiroth and you start with the same HP you finished this battle with.
The final battle is when Sephiroth is flying and out of range of your melee attacks for large segments of the battle.And each attack he does around 3000 HP damage(and my characters were around level 88 so they weren't under levelled)and the super nova attack he does each round brings all your characters down to 400HP no matter how highly they're levelled,and inflicts annoying status effects which makes some of your characters useless(you have to make sure one of your characters is able to use a mega elixer right after Sephiroth uses super nova).
The final boss battle against Sephiroth can be easy if you do some very time consuming sidequests(such as getting knights of the round or omnislash,but to do either will take between 10 and 15 hours)and doing so will mean you'll almost be guaranteed to win that final boss battle which defeats the purpose of doing the final boss battle.The main reason I hated this section is it's so time consuming and takes along time before you can face Sephiroth in the final boss battle,and if you lose you have to do the section all over again.
Final mission on Warcraft 3
You must hold out the undead for 45 minutes.It sounds simple enough but the undead can build new units instantly and attack in huge swarms that get bigger and bigger each attack.You have to use your healing spells at the right time to heal your injured units during some of the big attacks the undead unleash.On Warcraft 3 if you lose a mission,it allows you to restart the mission with a reduced difficulty level,and I would have to purposely lose the mission the first time I attempted it,and attempt it again with reduced difficulty because the first attempt was always too hard for me.So it meant I had to spend 45 minutes letting the Undead defeat me on purpose so I actually had a chance of winning the mission on my next attempt.
The Bunker on Little Big Planet
LBP was mostly an easy game,but the Bunker is one of the hardest levels i've ever experienced in any game.The timing for maneuvering through the Bunker stage is so delicate and in LBP if your character is killed he has to restart from the last checkpoint,it's not like Sonic or Super Mario where he can absorb multiple hits,if sackboy is hit by an enemy or obsticle,he loses a life,as simple as that.The giant wheel on the Bunker is really annoying because it's very easy to die and it's long.And to make things worse after the wheel is a long section where you have to make platform jumps over electrified orbs and sackboy's jumping speed is much slower than Sonic's or Mario's and you need to time the jumps on this section very well.And there's another section after this too with more delicate timing! And once you're out of lives you have to restart the whole level from the beginning.
2nd last castle on Super Mario world
You have to ride across moving blocks until you reach the end of the castle,but it's a long ride and the blocks move all over the place and it's easy to fall and die,and to make things worse there's other obsticles that you have to dodge while you're riding the blocks.If you die you have to redo it all over again from the start,and once you're out of lives you have to redo 2 previous levels,plus the castle again! And even after you ride the blocks to the exit of the castle,you have to face one of the Koopa's on a see saw type platform,and while he's hurling fireballs at you,3 fireballs pop out of the lava from below you constantly,and the only way you can win is jumping on the Koopa and making him fall into the lava while dodging all the fireballs!
One of the last dungeons on disc 3 on Lost Odyssey
You cannot exit the dungeon once you enter it,and you encounter random monster battles every few steps(against powerful monsters that can do alot of damage to your party no matter how highly they're levelled)and there's no place to restore your MP so you have to be very careful with using healing spells.At this point healing potions are useless except for the elixers which you want to save.And there's some really annoying puzzles and back tracking and you have to examine every room/tiny location closely and this dungeon almost ruined what is a really great game.You're given no clues about these puzzles and parts of the puzzles(such as pressing a switch)are linked to another puzzle in a different room that's far away!