I just watched the final episode of Battle of the Planet, but it was somewhat disappointing, as it wasn't actually a series finale, just the last episode that Sandy Frank entertainment choose to edit and dub in English for the American version. There was no conclusvie end to Spectra or Zoltar. I still have half a dozen episode of Gatchaman to watch, and I am hoping that that series will present some resolution to the conflict between Galactor (Spectra) and Gatchaman (G-Force).
Battle of the Planets is a fine series, as it was based on the already excellent Gatchaman. Also the voice acting was excellent, in that the voice actors all had approreate voices for their characters, and gave excellent performances. Still, since they only used six actors, all the additional characters just sounded like the main cast doing voices. Some voice actors are able to do multiple voices that you cannot identify as the same person (Billy West comes to mind).
Also, while some people disliked the character of 7-Zark-7, I think thanks to the wonderful tone of Alan Young's voice the character was likable and appealing to the target audience of children.
When I first watched the series as a child, I was didn't comprehend all the naration that explained about how all the vehicles destroyed were robot controled, and that no people were harmed. I really think the producers attempts at limited children's exposure to violence went over the heads of children who watched the show. Then again, I realize that at that time, network excutives expected that cartoons be free of violence, and it was necessary to make those changes to allow the show to be aired.
It's too bad that there still hasn't been an American release of the full series on DVD. It seems that Britian get more and better releases of American TV shows on DVD than America does.