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This is another show I have been wanting to watch for a while. I have found it to be fascinating. I don't know why, but I have been interested in these post-apocalyptic stories, like the Stand, by Stephen King (the book, less so the mini-series).

One of the reasons I find to to be so interesting is that it is quite well done. Everything up to this point (the point that I am in watching the series) has seemed plausible to me.

One other reason is the series gives tantalizing clues as to what happened and his happening to the United States, which makes me want to know more and keep watching.

So far, the show hasn't really gone over the edge, but it does often end with a new mysterious revelation before the ending of each episode, to try and hook you into watch the next episode. Of course, wanting to know what happens next is a great way to keep your viewers engaged. Actually, the first few Harry Potter books did that very well, too.