Zaqmjua's forum posts
I searched on gamespot and made a list of games which i should get. Here it goes :
-Dragon age origins
-Mafia 2
-Resident Evil 5
I got THAW a few years ago and finished it a few times.I played online a lot too until the game got boring. A few days ago i found it between my DVDs and installed it again. I want to compete with my friend on 2 player but it is grey and un-selectable. Why ? I have a gamepad and have selected controlls for 1st and second player on it.
Thanks for the answers guys. I have tried m&b but just the original one , not warband.I will try it too. I have played Oblivion for over 5 times and it is not what am i looking for. Also i have tried the thief series but the graphics are dissapointing. Any other game ?
I like everything that is mediveal.Blades,swords,axes ... but most of all i like bows. Bows and snipers are my passion.Can you tell me any game that has good archery ?
I downloaded it too but the patch won't start. I think it's a problem of the Windows , not BF2.There is no full installation of Patch 1.50 yet (and probably never). You have to install Patch 1.41 first, and that one has a full install. It's around 500MB.
I play BF2 for months online but my stats don't save. A friend told me that i have to install patch 1.50 so they can save. I downloaded the patch and tried starting it. The computer jamms and i have to wait for a few minutes to un-jamm. Then it shows "Do you want to let this program make changes to your computer ? " and i click yes. i wait for hours after it but nothing happens ! I am currently using Windows 7 Ultimate.
bros i can't find a local files tab. Where is it ? It should be in the window when i click properties ?
Please help !
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