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by Zcrimson07 on Comments
sony, are you serious? you don't make all games support all output resolutions? what the **** kinda bull**** is that? I didn't even realize this at first because MGS4 actually does support all resolutions and that was the first and only game I played to begin with. and of course the 65" tv in my house goes from 480p to 1080i (think it has 720i tho). so I'm forced to play just about all ps3 games (I thought it was only on early games like resistance one, but heavenly sword and EVEN RESISTANCE 2!!! are like this!!!). sony you need to get with the ****ing program and standardize **** like M$. one online account for all games. make everything the same. i got a ps3 for blu ray and video games. I DIDN'T WANT A DAMN COMPUTER that has compatability issues and crap! seriously this is the nail in the coffin in my argument for 360 over ps3. **********EDIT**************** I just read that what it actually is is that 360 up converts to 1080i whereas ps3 doesnt. i'm no less disappointed in them because thats equally stupid. here's a comparison of 1080i vs 480p...
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