video games s u c k
by Zcrimson07 on Comments
well i mean i love video games so i gotta get that out of the way, but why do they piss me off so much. few things make me madder in life...and nothing does it so consistently. in fact i rarely ever get mad unless its because i'm in a bad mood from playing games. i really wish i could just play games cooperatively with friends online and work toward a common goal because that way i wouldnt get as pissed about not being as good as the other person or the AI. unfortunately i can never seem to get friends that do this. im really hoping that gears 2 allows me to do this at last with Horde mode. if there are 50 levels for each difficulty it sounds like i could be busy doing that for quite some time. if anyone wants to play coop with me just send me a friend request (gamertag: crimson07). alright thats all for today folks. p.s. sorry i don't have any insightful thoughts into the election this post.