its called gamefly people get with the times. Media holds so little value I find it absurd that people are upset they won't be able to sell their games for like $20 two weeks after they buy it. Not to mention the Xbox One actually provides features whereas the PS4 just lets you say you truly "own" your game.
there was a point in a meeting where someone said "what if we got Charlie from Friends to host and make a bunch of bad jokes?" and then other people are those people employed?
didn't realize reach was so much nicer, probably because it's always flying by so fast but it's nice to appreciate the quality work the folks at bungie did on improving this stuff.
Seems to me publishers need to do the following: release a full featured game that might be a bit shorter in length and price it at $40USD, THEN following it up with some well sized $10-20 expansions a few months later which include any of the little trinket downloads some people seem to like. maybe if this were the case i wouldnt use gamefly...
if this works as advertised, which i'm skeptical it will at first, it could very well mean the end of consoles as we know it. Personally I have no need for a 360 if I can play the same games on my laptop with a 360 controller! This is REALLY EXCITING!
Zcrimson07's comments