I don't think anyone can prove it, fact is we can't see far enough to tell if the universe has an edge and if it does the universe is apparently expanding all the time so we'd constantly be chasing it. In Stephen Hawkins book "A Brief History of Time and Space" He goes on to say that the universe is in his opinion shaped like a saddle and as it constantly expands it'll get to the point where it will be too large and hit the big crunch, which will begin reversing the process, with that process now going backwards time goes with it right to the big bang, so if there is an edge we'll likely find it at the big crunch but of course that that time everything will start going backwards and we won't know. Apollo5000
I don't disprove that hypothesis. But isn't possible that there is something else besides our Universe? What if our universe is like an atom or even an electron? I think that if something exists then nothing cannot exist
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