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Zebradude911 Blog

Little Big Planet: First Look

For Christmas, what I found under the tree was a beautiful sight. A Playstation 3 and various titles with it (see prior blog post).

One of those video games was Little Big Planet.

And I admit, I was a bit skeptical about this title when I first heard about it. There is such a thing as being too innovative. I was wondering how various parts of this unique title would be carried out, especially with the customization regarding levels. If the customization was used too much or was too confusing, I probably wouldn't stick with the game very long. I like going at a faster pace with my video games, so if the customization took too long for my liking, I probably wouldn't like the game much.

And so far, I'm happy to say, my fears have been for nothing. The menus are very easy to use and are explained well, and it doesn't take that long to use and doesn't interrupt the platforming experience. There isn't much in the way of story, kind of like with Mario. I don't like comparing the two, but they are both platformers. Usually, I don't like the whole 'save the princess' and 'our princess is in another castle' plotline without much of a story behind it, but Little Big Planet has the charm and its innovative hook that has kept me interested so far.

Conclusion: So far, so good.

Playstation 3

Woah, totally disappeared from here for a only blog post is from April. ^^;

But I have a good reason to post now...

Ah yes. For Christmas, I got a PS3. And not only that...



Little Big Planet!


Yep, Final Fantasy XIII. Now this one...this one I am looking forward to the most.

This definitely was a Christmas to remember.

Game Rundown

Alright. There are some games coming out. Some are big names. Some are little names. Some are part of a series, while others are starting out for the first time. They have one thing in common: they are video games. Which makes them fair game.

For my first blog post, I'm going to just give my opinions on some games that are currently in production. It's my first blog post, so bear with me.

Okamiden: Okami on a handheld. What's not to love? The touch screen capabilities means that the painting should be very precise. And it better be. Or else I'm going to be one angry gamer.

Zelda Wii: Mystery. And I want it. I absolutely love the Zelda games, and with the Wii Motion-Plus, swinging a sword should be reinvented.

Super Mario Galaxy 2: I still haven't played the first Mario Galaxy (^^'), so I don't really have an opinion on this one. I've heard the first game is amazing, so I expect the sequel to be as well. I'll get around to playing them eventually. For now, I'll stick to New Super Mario Wii and my older Mario games.

Naughty Bear: In the innocent atmosphere of Paradise Island, all normal bears have to worry about is being invited to the next birthday party. That is, until Naughty Bear gets naughty. Cute, fluffy bears being ripped to shreds? Count me in.

Mega Man 10: It's Mega Man. I want.

Madden NFL 11: I like football. I really, really do. Do I want this game? No.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Hmmm....I dunno on this one. I'll watch it, maybe rent it. Will I buy it? I don't think so.

Iron Man 2: I don't want some movie cash-in. I would love a good Iron Man game. I mean, it's Iron Man for crying out loud! There's so much that could be done. Will this be the game that finally unleashes the awesomeness? I don't think so. But I can dream.

Transformers: War for Cybertron: The fact that you can customize your transformer has me interested. I'll be watching.

Well, I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting to write about that I'm looking at.. If there are any games you think I should check out, please tell me. I'm out.