You know, life is somuch more busy and stressfull these days, that we are all looking for something that takes us away from that stress and add a bit of fun to our lives. Something that takes us away, although it be very briefly, from our real, everyday lives. For me, I have a couple of things that do that for me. Motorcycles, and gaming. Well, I used to have two. Gaming, at least the multiplayer side of it, has become more of a stressfull chore, more than a time for me to check out of the real world for some relaxation. BUT, th single player side of gaming has never looked as good, until now.
When I turn on my consoles or PC for some good 'ol fragging or racing, the LAST thing I want to do is get into a verbal war with some twelve year old handing my ass to me. But, you either get that, or the immature douche bags ragging on the female gamers, all because said girl wouldn't say hi to him, or engage in immature, INEXPERIENCED I might add, sex talk. What is so fun about having to mute 30 or 40 percent of the suddenly brave e-thugs that infest the FPS multiplayer rooms these days because their moms went to work, so now they can freely overuse every 4 letter word in our language, and verbally abuse any female that doesn't want to see said 12 year olds penis It's not just the FPS gamers now either, it's more and more in other genres as well. Racing, sports, you name it, gaming appears to attract every emo teenager on planet Earth today. Hence the subject,single or multiplayer.
For me today, the single player game is what I am chosing more of these days. Not because of the same old FPS junk they keep pumping out every year, but because I can actually come out of a couple hours of gaming feeling good about it, rather than think about the idiot that ran his mouth so much, he made me consider becoming a serial killer! LOL With games like Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider, Hitman, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age, I can get into a good story, kill a bunch of baddies, and go on with the rest of my day feeling good about my experience. I do like XBox Live, but the chore of finding a game, waiting for everybody to ready up, the load times, the lag, the dropped connections... I JUST WANT TO BLOW SOMES**T OR SOME PEOPLE UP, AND GET ON WITH MY DAY ALREADY! There is alot to be said for a great story. I don't read either, so I have to get my good stories from games or movies. Gaming just shouldn't be that much work for a good time.
Now, some of you might say I'm afraid of competition, or I need a thicker skin. NO, what I need is for my recreation time to be enjoyable, and fulfilling. So, the single player experiences are where I will be spending most of my future gaming time. As I get older, I will be 39 soon, more and more of lifes adult responsibilities are biting into my gaming time. I just found out my wife and I are having a new baby. I have one daughter left in high school. My job is wanting more out of me for less money these days. So, I don't have time for clans and gaming schedules, or time to wait all night on some group of idiots to get theirs**t together so we can get back to the action. Gaming is supposed to be fun, and I am having way more fun with Assassin's Creed 2 right now, than with Modern Warfare 2.
Thanks to all of you developers out there who continue to pump out the great single player gaming experiences that are in abundance at the moment. Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Dragon Age Origins, the Tomb Raider's, the Hitman's, the Uncharted's, the just released Heavy Rain, and the God of War's. Those games are making me remember why I got into gaming in the first place. For the experiences, not because I don't have a life.As I get older, and life deals me more resposibilities, I have even less time to game, so I have to make hard choices as to where and what I spend my time doing. But another good thing about getting older, is that you learn more about yourself, and what your true passions are. As I get older, I realize I don't need a full online room of people to enjoy a good game, and that I don't need to play EVERY good game out there to be considered a true gamer. I like my racing, sports, action/adventure, AND NOW RPG titles. So, that is where I will be spending most of my game time. I will dabble in the ocassional FPS, but, that is what it will stay, dabbling. But, when I want to settle into a real marathon of a gaming session, it will be with a good action/adventure, or racer, or sports title. Another great thing about getting older, is that you figure out what you like, so your time spent doing that thing is much more pleasurable and rewarding.
You know, come to think of it, this getting older thing ain't NEARLY as bad as I thought it was going to be... ;)
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