I am so happy E3 has returned ALMOST to its former glory. What was there not to like? What was the best part? Call me a pervert, but the BOOTH BABES were definitely, BY FAR, the best part of E3. Even living in Southern California, we still can be amazed at the beauty of some women. We all should give a BIG thank you to the organizers of E3. I think it is fair to say that the games industry has the HANDS DOWN BEST yearly get together than ANY other industry. I myself, work in one of the lamest industries. The asphalt industry. Yes, my life is constant struggle to get through everyday.. :( I am lucky enough to be in management, so I get paid well. But, if you can think you can come up with a more boring, lifeforce suckingjob than I have, I DARE you! LOL
But seriously, this past E3 was a serious success. My faith in the developers has been almost restored. Why almost, because I played the Fight Night Round 4 demo, and was FANTASTICALLY disappointed! :( Man has that game taken a HUGE step backwards. What a shame... :cry: But HEY! God of War 3 will be here next March! :D For me, seeing that demo was one of my highlights of this years E3. What a game! I don't think Alan Wake is as impressive as we have been led to believe. Microsofts new NATAL looks AMAZING! Ubi's lineup looks impressive as ever. I sure can't wait for Assassin's Creed 2! There was so much to be impressed with, I am trying to figure out how I will be able to make the time to play them all! Seriously people, if you aren't impressed with the stuff coming later this year after this show, then maybe it's tme you found a new hobby.
I would also like to take the time to send EA a personal message. EA, your latest sports releases have been less than stellar. Which is a massive shame because that is what EA was all about in the beginning. That is the foundation of your company, and you have really run it into the ground. I am really disappointed in your decision to make EA a publishing giant in favor of being the premier sports game developer. The Need For Speed series is a shell of what it started as since you took over that license. Madden is clearly being run by your greed than your creativity. As all of your sports games are. Your NASCAR game is a JOKE! How you ever saw fit to release that game is astonishingly shocking! LOL The only games of yours I play now are the NBA Live series, and once in a while, the Tiger Woods series. I will NEVER play that trash version of Madden you are now peddling. Dead Space was overrated. Once again, WTF HAPPENED to the once great sports gaming greatness that was EA? Also, how did you let Kobe make the cover of the new 2K basketball game? Someone is asleep at the wheel, and you guys better figure it out, because you are no longer the prenier game development company you obvioulsy hoped you would become. But my whole reason for this rant is this... You FINALLY get Mike Tyson in whathas beenheralded as quite possiblyyour best sports franchise in recent years, the Fight Night series. Round 3 was the best in the series to date. THEN, I played the demo for Round 4... Just depressing. :cry: Just tell me why? WHY have you taken the game in this new obvious direction. You finally got something right, only to mess it up by catering to a crowd that will never make or break a franchise. The casual gaming idiot. If the gaphics had not suffered so much, not because of technical issues, but for artistic style and presentation reasons, MAYBE, JUST maybe, I could have lived with the changes. BUT, hear this... You have now lost a customer until I see some drastic changes in your creative choices. I am not just a guy that was buying one or two of your games a year. We are talking someone who was giving hundreds of dollars yearly to you chumps, only to get buggy, half-ass developed games from you (EA). So no more!
Anyway, I have to get back to work now. Just had to get that stuff off my chest. It thrills me to see the industry still thriving. I hope E3 gave you all stuff to look forward to. Long live gaming!