Since they do not have contact info or a reply option in their moderation e-mails, I have to respond this way. I made a comment on the story about EA's viral advert, and the negative response from the catholic community. They docked me a rank, and delted the comment. Some of you may find this crazy, but now I am considering suing them for this. Why? It's the principle of the matter. I in NO WAY said anyhting offensive in my comment. There weren't any curse words, I did not attack the catholic religion, I did not attack anyone personally, and the comment was about the topic of religion, not happy clapper bashing. Not only tha, but the deleted my comment and penalized me without giving me the opportunity to respond to their decision, and without regard for my personal right to frre speach. They acted without due process. I personally find that a violation of my right to free speach, AND evidence of their discriminatory practices.
Why descrimination? Well, they appear to be supportive of the catholic or religious members of this site commenting how EA's out of line with their advertising tactics, but they are not OK with me responding with my own personal beliefs in response to their religious objections. THAT is discrimination on their part. I take discriminiation VERY seriously, and will be discussing my legal and media options with my attorney before the hour is up. Somebody has to stand up for the ones who can't defend themselves. I also think the fact that not having some type of protest process shows just how negligent they are in regards to acting before allowing a fair disciplinary process the opportunity to mediate these sort of issues. This might be just a gaming site, but even they have a responsibility to the public to conduct themselves professionally and without prejudice. A representitive of GameSpot is obviously invited to try and resolve this matter before it escalates to possible legal action.