HEHEHE... Daddy can i have some money for a new book? :P
The money for cloth, vacations, university, launch, cellphone bills etc... Mainly i was born to play, started at Atari since i was 3 !!!! and playing Video games is far better than going to clubs, buying proteins, creatines for the gym, or some new cloth... one has 2 weight the opportunity cost of his actions...
Look for Lg's... they have a piano finish design. I bought one and it was surprisingly exellent, i did not expect such bang for the buck... No dead pixels, no bleeding on edges, no reflection , 10 000: 1 contrast ratio etc... Its known that Sony is the best... But even the best sometimes is outmatched by newcomers...
Download ClockGen and don't overclock ur cpu more than 15% without any playing with the voltage for a somewhat considerably safe overclocking. Make sure the tempreture is somewhat stable. Check ur motherboard for compability for a rather more technical but more dangerous oc, voltage... and for ur GPU... personally i wouldn't recommend it.
my advice 2 u is change the motherboard if possible... AGP days are long gone... 9600 is ok, performance will definitly depend on ur cpu and amount of RAM. An 8800 gts is better btw.
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