The whole teleporting/warping thing has been the main subject for many jokes for almost two seasons now. But they took it too damn far this time around. No jokes are made, people are just annoyed.
But my main gripes with this episode are:
The wights appear to be total weaklings. For someone who is essentially a murder puppet who feels no pain or fear and can be hacked to pieces and will still try to come after you, those guys really drop like flies from a single slash or a stab.
There were thousands of them surrounding that lake and we were made to believe that they were literally swarming on that island and yet every scene we were shown where any fighting occured between wights, Jon and co., the wights were politely approaching one by one waving and flailing in order to get put down in a split second.
Realistically speaking, Jon and co. were effed the moment the wights realised the lake froze over. But no...
And why was the Night King and the rest of his guys just standing there? They could literally walk up to that island and freeze the lake as they walked over it and kill everyone. For someone who's supposedly the greatest threat in that world these guys are shown as a mere nuisance, nothing more.
I lost count how many times I was blocked from buying a game or some DLC because of some dumbass region restriction. I'm glad someone is trying to put a stop to this. I'm paying the full price for your product, what else do you want?
No depth whatsoever. The enemies have no weight, they scarcely react to being hit. All animations are just for show because your hits have no precision. It has nothing to do with lag or netcode. It's simply limited to accommodate the data transfer.
It's not because Capcom were lazy to implement the combat from the first game, it's because they couldn't.
@Xdz89: You can't have Dragon's Dogma combat mechanics and a multitude of other features in a multiplayer/co-op game. When will people finally understand that?
@CapmJim: Weak story? My opinion might be in a certain way biased since I'm a huge DD fanboy, but over the years I realised that the only people badmouthing the story in this game were those who paid zero attention to it in the first place. Because the core story in DD was nothing short of amazing.
Zeeksie's comments