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Zegjita Blog

Let's play!

Well its been a while since I posted on here huh? Not like anyone reads it I suppose lol. Anyway, Just letting people know if they happen too see me on here. I've been doing "let's plays" on youtube. So feel free too come see at http://www.youtube.com/zegjita . Got Megaman X3 done, and now got FF8, Pokemon crystal and Megaman X4 going!

Web comic!

Well, I've started a sprite comic and I wanted to announce it on here! I hope people will come and look at it, because I've already got a few people that say its actually pretty good! Just come to the link below this post. Its based mostly around Mega man Z, but hopefully I'll be doing other parts to it with other megaman sprites. Anyway, hope to have alot of feed back!


Yet again, Can't wait!

And here we go again! Yet again, there are MORE games coming out that I'm about to pass out over! I'm getting a PSP just for the mega man exclusives! I know a few people are complaining, that they arn't on the DS too, but I mean... if you're REALLY that upset about it, just get a PSP. I know thats not easy for everyone, but no use in complaining about something you can't change.. Either do something to change that fact, or just let it go for now. Anyway, I'm waiting for January and March now, because Mega man X collection, Mega man: Maverick hunter X AND Mega man Powered up are all coming to the PSP and I am VERY happy! Mega man is one of my favorite franchises, and I even own the action figures for the Mega man and Mega man X series. So, even though I'm not really a big fan of the PSP and its bad battery life, I did ask for it for christmas, so I could buy these mega man exclusives. 

Animal crossing

Nothing big for this post. I just wanted to give out my code for animal crossing: wild world. Private message me if you want to come to my town or want me to go to yours since I need your friend code to do either.
  1. Name: Zegjita
  2. Town: Lucemia
  3. Friend Code: 5154-5675-9893

Politicians once again screw us over

I would just like to state that I am getting sick of the government getting into everything. Instead of taking the initiative to do everything themselves, they should instead just teach parents not to be stupid. The other day, I was at gamestop, just sort of browsing, when a man walked up with his TEN-YEAR-OLD son. He asked the clerk about Grand Theft auto: Vice city, If I remember correctly. Anyway, the clerk was just like 'duuuh' so I went over and explained EXPLICITLY everything you could do in GTA. Including the picking up hookers and then running them over, as well as picking up a weapon and just running through the street. The man still bought it for his TEN-YEAR-OLD son! I can not believe that. I was just jaw agap when I saw him buy the game and give it to his son. I don't care if he gives it to his son, or wants to buy it for him, if he thinks his son is mature enough. But when your son goes and kills twenty people, don't go playing the blame game on the video game, trying to make a quick buck by sueing. I'm willing to bet, thats exactly what he was hopping for. That his son would do something stupid, then he could sue rock star games for money. Either way, this is starting to get stupid, quick. Thats all I have to say.

Can't wait!

There have been so many good games coming out in the last few months, I'm about broke! After buying not only: Shadow of the collossus, Dragon ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi, Star Wars Battlefront II, Shadow the hedgehog (disappointment), Mario Kart DS, We love katamari AND soul calibur III! But I still have to buy Animal crossing: wild world, Dragon quest VIII, Mega man X collection, Mega man Powered Up and several other titles that are already out or are coming out in the next few months. I don't know what it is, but for some reason, they decided to make a good portion of the good games for all the systems just at the end of their life span! I dunno if thats a good thing or a bad thing, but I know because of it I can't afford an X Box 360 , and at this rate, probably won't be able to afford a revolution or a PS3 when they come out! I'm not really complaining that there are a ton of good games, but they all seem to be coming out at the same time. And I'm pretty sure my finances arn't going to be able to cover all of this! There are so many things I can't wait for, but at the same time, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get them all. Guess its time to start saving!