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ZekeVIII Blog


It has come to my attention that i realized that i haven't been on here for some time now. Do you know why? I have finally grown a life AWAY FROM GAMESPOT!!!! Being a gamer is a part of my life and forever will be but this site has to many "special" people. GROW UP!!!! Stop blogging about every little damn thing that you may or may not get! It is really REALLY pointless. Overall i really dont know you so just in general i dont care. So the love of whatever god you choose, sleep with whoever you choose, or get drunk with whoever you choose (me personally would be a zoo monkey) stop the pointless blogs and arguments. So if you still use this site for blogging pointless stuff we probably already know then please listen to the song suicide is painless and jump off a bridge.

new comp n sum new games

Well monday i finally went out n got me a new comp so im waitin for those ppl to build it n give me a call so i can go pick it up, so im excited n recently i just bought a few new games like guitar hero 2, prey and quake 4. i havent got to play prey yet but from wut i heard, its a pretty sick game so i cant wait to play it. Quake 4 on the other hand is a excellent game i say, i was never rilly into the Quake series but playin this one made me think differently. If u cant play guitar for ur life n ur dream was to b a rock star, well ur not gonna get ne where but at least u can dream of bin one when u get guitar hero 2, it pretty much gives u the experience of bin one n makin u feel bad bout urself haha.

World Of Warcraft the board game!

Ok well yesterday my friends Joe and Jesse bought the game World Of Warcraft the board game! Yea i know exciting right. The online game was awesome so we would think that the board game would be just as great. So we buy the game, and it turns out to be more then the actual online game, which is sad and the thing weighed a bit to much for a board game but what ever its going to be awesome! So we get back to their house and we cleared off their kitchen table cuz we thought it wud b big enough to fit the game, well we were wrong. We ended up having to clear off Joes whole bed just so we cud actually have room to play on. At this time we were all pumped up to play! I was an warrior orc, Joe was a rouge and Jesse had a paladin and a Druid. So we were pumped and i had to read the rule book, which literally took about a hr or 2 just to read and sum what understood. So we finally got to play this game after 2 hrs of findin out wut to do, and basicly we ended up making our own rules (house rules) just so the game wud be fun. I mean the fighting system they set up for this game is so OC that it was difficult to follow. I mean the way they had it planned out was cool and everything but the fighting system and the dice stuff is just so weird and annoyin. So from wut i have experience, its a fun game after the first time u play it, then its one of those games that u put away in ur closet for a long time until another time comes u gotta waste about 8 hrs. 5 out 10 for this game....sorry warcraft.


I hope every one had a great christmas! I know for sure i didnt cuz i got everything the day before so yay i got to sleep in. But i did get my warhammer game along with bf:2142,splinter cell double agent and socom combined assult. So far, warhammer has a lot of glitches and bugs but it is still a fun game to play. Havent really tried 2142 but i will soon enough when i get my new gaming computer, splinter cell is totally different then from what i remember it as, i havent played these games in a while and buyin this one, is a total plus. Friday my socom game shud be coming in the mail so im excited. But with these games, i think they r all worth getting. Merry belated Christmas!

i am excited!

In a few weeks it is going to be christmas. The only thing I want really is the game Warhammer: mark of chaos. only reason why I'm only getting one thing is because this year we just bought another house so we dont have that much money to throw around this year but I am excited any ways to get it hehe.

Time for some reading

I usually dont ever read books because none of them ever catch my eye. Lately though I've been reading the Resident Evil books. They get more in depth about what the heck is going on. I think the author did a really good job on writing these books. She makes the characters just so great in the books. I love it how she explains the tyrants in these books, I dont think any one can describe them any better then her. So far I have all the books besides the last one which I want really really badly. Soon I am going to ask my older brother Dan for his WarHammer and warCraft books so I can start reading up on those.

You know whats great

I think whats great is when you havent played one of your favorite games in so long then you decide to start it back up again. I'm talking about Knights of the Old Republic. I mean I've been playing the second one more because I dont have the first one anymore but playing it just makes me think I'm playing the first one all over again. There wasnt to much of a change between the two games but I didnt care, I still thought they did a good job on making it fit with the plot with the first game. Writing about this makes me want to play something else that I havent played in a long time like one out of the two Silent Hill games I have in my house or maybe FFVIII.

Just realizing how mad I am

Ok well for one, by now I should have had the new PS3 but no of course not because my dad lies to me about pulling out a grand so I can buy it. I'm like missing out a great oppurtunity of having a great system. I dont know what games I would really get for it but Resident Evil 5 for show. I'm like still stuck in the old times because from what I see, every one is getting IPods and like the new systems while I still got a mp3 player with the skinny version of the PS2. I dont know but I better get the new PS3 soonish or I will never forgive myself.

Movie Review: House I-IV

Ok well when I thought House II was bad enough, they decided to make two more. At first I thought they stopped making them after the second one, but I guess I was wrong on that one. House I was a great movie, it had the thrill and horror in that movie, and after I see the last three, those movies are nothing but jokes. They totally ruined the House series they were trying to go for. On my part, never watch House II to House IV, the worse movies you will ever see.

Review on Smackdown vs. Raw 2007

Ok well the 2007 is a big step from the 2006. Everything is completey different in this game, but its not that bad of a change. At first it took me time to get use to the game, but I got use to it. Creating your character and the entrence is so much better and easyier then before. I think this game is well worth getting.

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