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Zelda1118 Blog

Hey Hey Gamespot!!!

What's up gamers!? Gamespot is looking good!!! I like the new layout, nice job Gamespot web developers!! So I am back for a bit. I've been gone for some time, busy getting stuff done called being an adult in the real life ha ha. Anyways I've been doing some pretty sweet stuff as well. I went to Comic Con, in Michigan, and it was pretty sweet! I did enjoy myself and purchased some pretty sweet collector items. I also bought Code Geass complete series and pretty excited to watch that. I pretty much enjoyed a lot of it. I want to eventually hit up Comic Con in San Diego sometime in my life, just need to save up the money. Well time for me to get some stuff done again, I just wanted to say Hi to my gamer buddies! Talk to you all soon!!


Almost there......

Well class will be done in about three weeks but it still seems so far away for me. Classes are rough!!! I keep telling myself I'm almost done! Anyways whats new with you gamers!? Yes, I have not been on for sometime now, like a mentioned earlier class has been a struggle so I'm busy getting that taken care of but I have done other things as well. I have picked up the new 3DS and I love it! It looks great! Currently Im playing Legos Star Wars and its fun but Ill probably pick up Street Fighter soon. I've been play Call of Duty a little bit and Im actually pretty good at it, kinda scary to say that. Dragon Age 2 is pretty good, long game but worth to play. Bulletstorm was ok, I expected a little too much from it so I'm a little dissappointed with it but dont get me wrong, it was still a good game. I'm actually looking forward to Brink. Looks like a solid game. From what I read, a lot can be done in the game like customize your character any way you want, play either the resistance side or security side, story co-op mode and much more. This looks legit!

Other news, I saw a few movies as well. Limitless was really good! Great plot and Bradly Cooper did an excellent job, I didnt expect some of the events that happened in the film. Definitely worth seeing! I also sa Sucker Punch. It was a great movie! I understand many people didnt like it and hey its cool if you didnt but I loved it! Sure it didnt have the best story but it had five hot chick kicking some ass, now thats totally badass!

Time for me to peace!

Last note:

" If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"


Dungeon Keepers anyone????

So I was reading one of my gameinformer magazines and I noticed there was a PC game out called Dungeon. Looked into the detail of the game because it did catch a little attention from me whether I should buy it or not. As I was reading it over, it reminded me of Dungeon Keepers. That is and still is one of my favorite games of all time! I was so dissappointed that they cut the project on the third one. I would pay big bucks to get that going again! I honestly did not play the first one but Ive played Dungeon Keeper 2 and I loved it! I might go back to playing that one again :). Well just wanted to be random on this blog. Have a good one gamers!

-Zelda1118 :)

Bloggie time!

Hey everyone! Thought I should take the time to write up a new blog on what Im up to or how's everything going, etc etc etc.......

So classes are up and going again, so far not too bad just I feel a lot of homework will need to be done as usual. However this is my last semester in college so I am ready to end the semester!!!!! Other than the school stuff, things have been good on my end. I'm working the two jobs to make some moolah!!! I have been spend a bit of that on games but cant blame a girl for doing that :P. So I've also been doing a lot movie watching as well. I've seen True Grit, Tron, Black Swan, The Tourist, and Faster. True Grit was good but I was dissappoint tho, I expected so much more out of that one. Tron was AMAZING!!!! The action was great as well as the music and I love the CGI work that was done to it, overall great movie!!! Black Swan was............ well it was a great movie but soooooo different. It was crazy!!! Kept me thinking the whole time but totally great movie. The Tourist was good, Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie did an awesome job in it. Movie was a bit slow but I loved the story line. There were other movies but I seriously can't remember what else I have seen ha ha. However, I love watching the trailers before the movies and there's a few that I am so looking forward to. I am number 4 is one of them I'm looking forward to seeing. Action and a bunch of kick@ss-ness is a must see. The other movie that I am totally and can not wait to see is Sucker Punch!!! This movie looks so awesome!!!!!!! Its got ninjas, dragons, zombies but wait there's more, five chicks kicking some @ss!!!!! Sweet!!!!!!! Moving on, I have been watching some anime and I got into Bleach. I love this series!!!! It totally kicks @ss and great story to it, I'm still in the third season so I got a lot to go!

Sucker Punch!

Well thats pretty much it for now and I hope everyone has a good week!

Btw totally looking forward to Dead Space 2, its going to be awesome!

Peace out gamers!


Sup Peeps!!!

Hey everyone!!! Happy New Year to all!!! Hope everyone had a good one and I hope all had a good Christmas as well!!! I actually got some pretty sweet things and I enjoyed hangin with my family as well!!! I did get an xbox sooooooo I amofficially a ps3 owner and an Xbox owner. My gamertag for xbox is Chickini11 so if you want to add me, do it and let me know who you are. Anyways just wanted to shoot out a Happy Holidays to everyone cause you are all awesome!!! Have a good one!!!!!


Hey Hey!!!

Hey Hey everyone!!! So sorry that I havent been around these few days, exams were in the way so I was studying so much. I have gotten two of my class grades back and so far so good!!!!! :) :) Thank you so much the PSN!!!! I have added some of you and more to add so if you havent gotten a request yet from me, it's happening like soon! I just finally have freedom now to play! Let me know what games you have cause Ill play against or team up with y'all! :) Good to be back in Gamespot!!

Peace out gamers!

- Zelda1118 :)

So far so.........awesome!

Well I picked up my copy of Assassin's Creed: BrotherHood and I love it! I'm not that far into it because school is interfering......ugh lol anyways its great!!! The graphics are awesome and it starts of right from the second game. I'm also going to try to get some online play on it so ill probably take my playstation to a buddy's house. I work at Gamestop so when the Creed fans were picking up their games and midnight, I was super excited. Def ask for this game for x-mas because it is a keeper!!!! I also got the collectors edition and it's legit! The jack in the box is pretty sweet!!!! Other than that school is alright but getting really annoying. So many projects to turn in and some of them are really really hard :( however I believe in myself so I'll push through, hopefully lol. Well happy weds to everyone!!!

Peace out gamers!

-Zelda1118 :)

It's almost time!!!!

Well it's almost time for the arrival of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood!!!! I'm super excited about it and I reserved the collectors edition so double points on that!!! Black ops is another one to look forward to as well!! I work at Gamestop so I'm really looking forward to working that launch! Other than that, school is hard but I'm pushing through it cause I want to be done! Well I hope everyone is doing well and hope to hear from you gamers!

-Game on!


Ugh!!!! Class stinks!

So I'm sitting in class and I.....AM.....BORED!!!! Lol What up gamers?! Yes it has once again been a long time since I have posted so go ahead everyone call me a lazy@ss cause I am!! lol its good to be on here again and checking out what my gamer buddies are doing! I'm currently sitting in class stressing out lol. I have finished some games lately that are really good, such Assassin's Creed 2. The game was awesome and soooooooooo looking forward to Brotherhood! I've also played Dead space and as creepy as it is, its still a great game! I looked into Dead Space 2, well looks pretty awesome, another one to look forward to as well! Right now I am playing Red Dead Redemption, also another great game! I come home from class game it up for the night!!! :) So what's new with everyone and I hope everyone is doing well! Btw does anyone knows how to code in C? I need big time help on a project and I thought I can get some of my smart gamer buddies to help me!!!!

Peace out,
