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ZeldaMan1028 Blog

My ratings and reviews

Ok, for everyone that says I rate way to generously, let me clue you in on how I review. My scoring is based on how much I enjoyed the game. I'm not telling you how much the graphics kicked ass, or the physics were realistic. I'm just giving you how fun the actual gameplay was to me.


Ok, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say that Halo is one of the best FPS's the world has ever seen. I mean sure, fighting aliens is a little out of the ordinary, but still. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is amazing, and the overall feel was simply incredible.

PS3: Hate it or Love it.

Good job Sony. Once again you have failed on a multi-million dollar scale. As you can see, I have a strong dislike towards the Playstation Franchise. First of all, if you are going to charge $599 for a shiny, new, next-gen console, you should probably consider making it function properly. Like backwards compatibility. The January edition of Game Informer claimed that Sony estimated hundreds of PSX and PS2 titles were not compatible with the PS3. HUNDREDS. That is ALOT of games. Secondly, What good are the best graphics in the world, if I can only play 3 games?!?! Seriously. The lack of good games for the PS3 amazes me. I mean yeah Call of Duty 3 is a great game, but can I maybe get a few more games, other than First Person Shooters?. You need more than a few decent games to have a succesful console. And finally, the controller. I've always loved Playstation controllers. LOVED. I could play any Tony Hawk game for hours on a PS controller without even the slightests of hand cramps. but cmon now. Isn't it time we did something different? The Playstation is the only franchise that has had virtually the same controller for 3 different consoles. Cmon. But on the other hand, there were a few things I did like about the PS3.

1: The massive memory. 60GB's is a crapload of memory. Even 20GB's is alot.

2: Graphics. Playstation has always had the best graphics in my opinion. Always. And the PS3 has some of the best and most realistic graphics of all time.

3: USB compatibility. If it has a USB plug, you can put it into the PS3. Keyboards, mice, headsets, the USB port is a great feature on the PS3

Thus ends my rant on the PS3 : )

Hello GameSpot

I've heard alot of good things about GameSpot, so I decided to join. I'm not the best reviewer, and not the best gamer, but i'd like to share the knowledge I do have about the gaming world. Cheerio : )