I have successfully finished my third college semester and made the trip back home to a week of negative degree weather. I work outside so while the weather was, well ridiculous, I decided to buy a used gamecube game to entertain myself until the weather warmed up. This "quick trip" to buy a game turned into a irritating charade. Most big chain game stores don't carry old system games, which is nothing new, but I never realized how quickly it would get locally owned game stores to shut down. I mean it seemed like every place I used to go is now a gamestop or just a vacant building. After searching I found a locally owned store still standing and a bullmoose (A used CD, Book and games store, native to Maine) both of them had games from NES, SEGA, N64, Gamecube, playstation 1, and 2. The only thing I didn't understand the stores pricing. Why on earth are gamecube games on average 25 dollars, while the playstion 2 games on average are 15 dollars, why are sega games noticeable more expensive that NES games and last why are N64 no more that 5 dollars. When I asked both stores store owners how they did their pricing they happily replied with no useful information. I do not understand why these games are priced the way they are and if someone could please shed some light on this mystery that would be fantastic!
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