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-11, Registration for Next Year, Changes, New Stuff

Holy Cow. I think today was one of the coldest days in my entire LIFE. Living in two very cold states (Maryland, Minnesota [Note: Maryland got very cold due to wind coming off from the ocean where we live]) I'm used to the cold. But today, was super cold. Walking down from our North Campus (we have two campus' due to our large student body, 5500+) I looked at our school's electronic calendar sign, a sign that scrolls things across the screen going on during the week, and it read -11F. Now with our wind chill we had today, it was -33F. It was TREMENDOUSLY cold. But I always like to be prepared so I had my Jacket, gloves, and a whole seperate fleece hood that covers my neck, nose, and my whole face, except for my eyes to see. Plus, I wore a sweatshirt, so I guess you could say I was fine, but it was still very chilly out.

Without the wind chill, we would have been fine, but with the wind, it's like your skin is getting ripped from your face. It's just the wind that is terrible, the cold, bitter wind, nipping and slicing your face open.:!

Yesterday, our school handed out registration forms for next year's classes. Our school also decided to start at 8:00 AM next year, rather than our current 7:25 AM. Plus, our school is now offering a "zero," hour in which students who are busy with electives/non-required courses that cover all 3 trimesters can now take electives during zero hour. Zero hour starts at 7:00 AM but is great for busy students. You have some choices in required courses but not a lot. For Junior Year you can choose AP US History or US History. Alphabetically by your last name you're put into either Communications or US Literature. Whichever one you don't take of Comm./US Lit, you take the other your senior year. Communications sounds too easy for me, as I'm in debate and speech, and in communications that's all you really do. (According to the course description in our course handbook.) I'm definately going to take AP U.S. History, as I'm currently taking AP World History. I hope they have an AP U.S. History book at Barnes and Noble, cause I got one for AP World History, and it's just like a little book that helps you understand stuff easier.

As for electives/non-required courses, I'm thinking about taking Arabic, Journalism, Journalism II, Psychology, Sociology, and Anatomy. I haven't really looked into the course handbook a lot so far, but I definately will. I may take some English courses as well, I'm not sure. Everything's really up in the air. OH! I almost forgot, as a junior you get to take careers. (Even thoguh it used to be called Career Investigation, and you took it as a Sophmore back before the Schedule Change 2 years ago when my brother was at my high school. My school used to be 4x4, which is 4 quarters, 4 periods, but now it's 3x6 where there's 3 trimesters and 6 periods. My brother, and two people who are now seniors in high school, fought to keep it the way it was, and went to speak to the school board many times, but the school district never listened. As a result, we now have fewer electives, and less time in periods. I wanted to try out the 4x4, but the 3x6 got into place when I was a freshman. The 2 other guys who spoke at our school board's meetings were 2 friends of my brothers, who were on the debate team. Every student who spoke at the school board meeting was on the debate team. Kind of ironic, haha. Plus, a friend's mom of mine spoke to say she was infavor of the 3x6. Kind of pissed me off at the time, but whatever.) Anyways, back to careers. This is a very useful class I guess you could say if you don't know what you want to be when you grow up. It shows you where your skills are, and what the best career would be for you. Plus, it's an easy A.

Tomorrow, I got a Math test. It should be easy though, as it mostly just setting things equal to each other and finding the variable. Nothing too hard. Also, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," has gotten really good lately, and the plot has been builiding up well. Next year, no more band, and no more Spanish. I'm sick of Spanish, and a lot of my friends are dropping out of band, and I just don't really want to do it. I mean I like Band, don't get me wrong, but it takes up a whole year, and the same thing is with Spanish. My schedule right now is:

1st Period: AP World History (North Campus)

2nd Period: Accelerated Geometry/Algebra II (Took this to take Pre Calc next year and Calc senior year) (South Campus)

3rd Period: Band (South Campus)

4th Period: Spanish II (South Campus)

5th Period: English II (South Campus)

6th Period: Biology (South Campus)

I have all those classes for the whole year, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. You get 6 elective slots, one for each trimester. Spanish II A, B, and C. That's 3 electives. Band A, B, and C. There's 6. My required courses are all for the whole year.

So I mean, Spanish is just dumb, and stupid, never gonig to use it, and I just don't want to do Band cause it takes up a big chunk of my schedule. So yeah, I just want some new stuff. Plus, I've been doing this for 2 years, last year, I had Band and Spanish as my electives, and all my required courses lasted 3 trimesters. So I'm getting a little BORED for learning about Spanish and how to play chords for 2 years. Just want something new.

Not much of other stuff. Heath Ledger died, but I never saw any of his films. Nevermind, I take that back. I saw "The Patriot," but I never saw "Brokeback Mountain."

Sports wise, I just have to rant abotu some stuff. Tiki Barber, should just SHUT UP. At the beginning of the season, he criticized Eli Manning's Play Calling and Leadship Abilities.


I MEAN SERIOUSLY. He's calling Eli out, and then when he leaves they get to the Super Bowl? What's up with that? If he thinks Eli has problems, but yet the year after he retires they get to the Super Bowl, I think he's the one who had problems. That's right Tiki, I'm calling you out.

Plus, Maryland has to play Duke in College Park. So it's a home game, and you never know, if they beat the #1 team in the nation, why can't they beat 'ol Duke? Going to be a good game in College Park this weekend.

Well that just about does it for me so long
