So yesterday, I went to the library. I checked out/rented 1984 and Animal Farm, both written by the English Author George Orwell. Although I haven't started reading the novel and novella, they seem quite interesting. Orwell himself, was always criticizing Totalitarianism, specifically Stalin's society, also known as Stalinism. He once said "Every line of serious work I have written down since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against Totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it," in 1946. Dead four years later, on the day of January 21, 1950. Dying young at the age of 46, he had an impact on many people, including two famous Western Philosophers of the 20th century, Noam Chomsky, and Albert Camus. He also had an impact on famous author Kurt Vonnegut, author of Slaughterhouse Five.Most people find his writing to be amazing. For example, in Orwell's Animal Farm, all of the animals and characters represent something. Although simple in form and content, it's complex how he symbolizes these animals. He wasn't just "another great writer." He had an impact on how we see things in the world today, and in his writing, it's almost philosophical how he describes things. He is by far, one of the greatest writers of all time, and if not, the most influential writers of all time.
Moving on, today was probably most interesting and shocking this year. In my 1st hour, AP World History, we continued our video on Islam. Although still confused at why some Muslims fight in the name of "Allah," (God) the religion of Islam is considerably deep. Then 2nd hour, Accel. Geometry/Algebra II, we just took notes and got our assignment. Then, we had a whole school assembly, but I'm writing about that and our guest speaker tomorrow. Then we did nothing in 3rd hour, Band, cause the assembly caused most of the period/hour to go by. 4th hour, Spanish/Espanol II, was just learning about Saber/Conocer, both verbs meaning "to know," and how and when to use them. 5th hour, English, edited our essays, and yeah. Then 6th hour, Biology, was just donig a regular lab.
Anyways, I'm super tired from school, and I'm just gonig to get started on 1984.