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Bioshock freakiness, A Wii hopefully this weekend

Well, right now, it's 1:19 in the afternoon, and I'm not really doing anything, so here's what's going on in my head.

Yesterday night, around 2 in the morning, I watched some BIoshock videos. One was titled "Bioshock- Freaky Moments," and the other "Bioshock-The Morgue." Wow, Bioshock is weird. The morgue one was much scarier. The guy walks into a morgue, in a dark room, with blood randomly splattered.You can see shadows though of the mortician, and the character walks forward, silently, in a pool of water. (I must say the sound effects of bioshock are excellent.) Then, right when he's about to turn the corner to look at what the mortician is doing, the light goes off. But it's the music that gets your heart racing!!! The music is SO well done. But then, the character can't find him, but the mortician jumps out of a cabinet, but then he kills him.

With Bioshock, it's not about the combat, it's a game more about plot, and the ambiance of Rapture. Sounds like I've played the game through huh? No, I just watched so many videos I'm scared out of my mind. I'm a big wuss. I'm a HUGE "scardy cat." I get scared at the stupidest things. But I've figured I'm going to buy Bioshock becauseall of those encouters and freaky moments are all part of the experienc that makes BIoshock such an excellent game.

Now to the Wii part.

I've basically been calling Circuit City and Best Buy 24/7. I've even figured out when their trucks come, and the Circuit City guy on the phone said that if they have Wii's saturday, they'll hold them until Sunday. With Best Buy, I just call and hope basically. Do you guys have any advice for someone trying to get a Wii? Plus, when I arrive at the store early, and when they open the doors, should I run and act like a savage? Or will people think I'm crazy? I think that I care too much about what others think about me. Is that normal?

I don't know what I'll do. I'll probably run just because it's a Wii....


Well now I'm pretty bored, and that's all I realyl want to share.

OH! NBA Finals, Game 4 tonight, Celtics lead the series 2-1, but I'm hoping LA can take these next 2 at home (in the Staples Center) to put them ahead 3-2, then take Game 6 at Boston. Kobe=Best Player to ever play.

Kobe will go down as the single most amazing playerr to ever play the game of basketball. He's better than MJ, higher career scoring average, and if he wins one without Shaq, that's just domination. Honestly, plus you can't say LeBron will be better than him beause LeBron's got no one around him to win a title with!

Done with my rant.
