Wow, it's been a hectic last 2 weeks of school, and I'm glad that tomorrow (June 5th) will be my last day of my Sophmore year of high school.
But to start out, I'm getting confirmed this Sunday. Yes, yes, I'll get money, but there's a more important aspect of my confirmation. It shows my commitment to my faith and to Christ. I don't really know what I'll use the money for, and I don't really care. I'll have family and friends over all this weekend, and I'm looking forward to it a lot. Plus, it's a good way to end the week with school being out.
I'm kind of worried tonight though, my last 3 finals are tomorrow, but I'm playing at Graduation because I'm in band, which last from 6-8. But then again, on two of the finals I get to use notes, so it shouldn't be that bad. I'm just nervous, and after tomorrow, I'll be worry free.
So yes, tomorrow is my last day of school, and it'll be a blast. Maybe I'll buy Guitar Hero 3 to cap off summer, that should last me the summer at least. Summer is always great, but it's always to short too. Hopefully it'll be nice and hot this summer, as last summer, it wasn't too hot. I don't know why, but I like heat more than cold.
I don't mean to leave so soon, but I have to get back to getting ready for playing at graduation!