Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, I've been busy, and I've put this off.
TO start out, I haven't gotten GTA IV yet because my parents won't let me get it, due to all the stuff in it. The only way I can get it is if I get a job, and get the $60, then he'll go to the store with me to get it since i'm only 16. He really wants me to get a job because I'll have m license soon and because he knows if I get a job I'll be happy with the money.
Also, I'm back into playing CoD4's online multiplayer, and I'm over 20,000 and it's been great. I got bored of RSV2 one day and just said "let's put in CoD4 and see how I do," and it turns out I'm doing fine once again. It's just so addicting, fast, and fun. Amazing, basically.
Plus, next Thursday, the 15th is when I take my AP World History test. If i pass the college/university that I'll be going to will see that I passed the test, and then I won't have to take a World History class, which will save us about 1-2K. After I take the test I'll find out how I did sometime this summer.
That's all, but I'll post another blog Friday and give you an update!