Well, not much in my blog here.
Lately (the last two days) I've had finals. The first day I had 1st, 3rd, and 5th hour finals. (My school does the odd days first, then the evens, don't ask me why.) Plus, instead of starting at 7:25 AM and getting out at 1:55 PM, we started at 8:00 AM and got out at 1 PM. We had an 80 Minutes (hour and 20 minutes) to take each final, and lunch somewhere in between. Yesterday, was pretty hard. I had AP World History, Band (this wasn't hard though actually) and English. English was the most surprising to me though, as we had 100 Vocab words to know, and some pretty tough grammar things to know.
Today, was a little easier. 2nd Hour, which is Accelerated Geometry was EXTREMELY easy. 4th hour, Spanish, we didn't have a final, we only had to make a poster and talk about spanish buildings on our poster. Then 6th hour, biology, was my hardest final, after AP World History, it was all abotu the stuff we had learned this first trimester, but I did have my notebook and study guide which made it a little easier.
Other than that I haven't really done anything this week. I've downloaded some songs, and I have one in particular I like. It's called "Apologize," by OneRepublic (No space) but I also like the remix, featuring Timbaland. Oh, tommorow, we have the day off, and we start our next trimester on Monday. I have Debate State Novice Tournament tomorrow and Saturday, so I won't be on much except for Sunday. Ohhhhhh, I know.
This week, Monday to be specific, Washington Redskin's Cornerback Sean Taylor died in the hospital. He had four interceptions on the season, and was a dominant force in their secondary. Also in sports, I'm doing quite well in both my Fantasy Football League, and Fantasy Basketball League, and I am in second place in both leagues. They are on Yahoo, if you're wondering. Plus, the ACC/Big Ten Challenge has been going on this week in Men's College Basketball, and let me say this, THE ACC HAS KILLED THE BIG TEN! Being from Maryland, but now living in Minnesota, I watched Maryland play a pretty sloppy game against Illinois yesterday, although they did win, their Point Guard Grevis Vasquez, who is from Caracas, Venezuela, didn't shoot the ball too well. But fortunately, their other guard, Eric Hayes, had 18 points and shot the ball pretty well. Some of Maryland's freshmen also played well. Now, one last thing regarding sports, I hope the Packers win tonight in Dallas. I predicting it to be pretty close, but I think the Packers will take advantage of the lost opportunities that Dallas will make. I'm guessing it'll be 24-20, Packers on top.
Now, I've been thinking about getting EA's skate lately for my 360. I've been happy with Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed but Skate just looks kind of fun. I did rent Halo 3 lately though, for the second time, and although I like it, I stil like Call of Duty 4 better. Oh, and on Monday, a friend at school asked me "Does Assassin's Creed have Multiplayer?" All I did was laugh, and say no obviously, but I really liked the thought. It could be like a Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and CTF-like multiplayer, with just Assassin's running around and killing each other.
Well, gotta go eat dinner now. So I'll probably post another blog SUnday, regarding how I did in my debate tourny, and other stuff.
PS: 1984 has gotten really good. :D