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Weekly Update

So, I'm guessing you're all wondering how I did this past weekend at Minnesota's Policy State Debate Tournament? Probably not, but like I said in my previous blog, I'd state how I did. As it turns out, my partner and I got into the finals of 16 teams, but we unfortunately lost to the eventual state champ. We were they 11th seed, and they were they 6th, our coach told us. I'm pretty happy though, as I got a trophy, and this was my first year of a new debate style. So overall, I'm pleased.

Now, for my weekly update. On Monday, I had my first energy drink ever! I know, a little random, but it was kind of cool for me. :) I had "Amp Over-drive," which is the Mountain Dew Amp, but like Cherry/Red version. Plus I had a Mountain Dew Game Fuel, which isn't an energy drink, but I got the limited edition which came in a Halo 3 bottle, and is pretty cool. Maybe I'll post a picture of it or something, I don't know. But also Monday, I watched a very competitive Monday Night Football game, in which the New England Patriots played in Baltimore/ Maryland (woot, go MD! :P) versus the Baltimore Ravens. The Pats came out slow, but eventually won, 27-24. It was a tough loss to the Ravens, but these past two weeks for the Patriots have shown that they arebeatable, and their first lost may come this week against arguably their toughest opponent in the Pittsburgh Steelers.

On Tuesday, I went to the Speech team meeting. It's will be my first time doing Speech, and I'm excited about it, but also nervous, and I don't really know what category I'll be speaking in. I have till next Wednesday to report what category I'll be speaking in to our coach. I didn't really do anything though on Tuesdas, just a boring day.

Wednesday, nothing new.

Today, Thursday. Well nothing new at school, but in the mail, I did get a $25 Gift Certificate to Target from my Aunt an Uncle for my birthday, which is December 16th. It'll be my "Golden," Birthday, as I will be 16. I was born December 16th, 1991, at 11:11 AM in Clinton, Maryland. I don't know what I'll spend my money on, or if I'll save it, so please give me suggestions!!!:)

Oh!! I know what I haven't told you all, I've started a new Trimester at school. Our school doesn't have 4 periods a day, and 4 quarters like most schools in our area. We have 6 periods a day, 55 minutes each, and 3 trimesters a year. Although we did have 4 periods a day, an hour and a half long each, and 4 quarters, but our school district made the dumb decision to switch the schedule. Also, our School District is now seriously thinking about starting school at 8:00 AM next year, rather than 7:25 AM like this year.

Tommorow, I have a Geometry quiz on ratios and proportions, which I hope I'll do well on. I also have a Spanish Vocabulary quiz as well, but most of the words I know so I believe I'll do well on that quiz as well. Currently in English, we're looking at media and how newspapers use text/pictures/formats/price/stories/articles to attract us. It's very interesting, and maybe I'll post more about it.

Anyways, please give me suggestions on what I should spend/save my money on, and I hope you all have a great weekend, bye!!

I might post a blog tommorow, who knows. :)


PS: I just remembered, I might spend about $10/11 on the OneRepublic CD "Dreaming Out Loud." I'm liking their music more and more as I listen to it.