Try the good old fashion log out and log back in and then try to access it. If that doesn't work clear your cached data or force a refresh on the data. In firefox hold shift and click the refresh button on Explorer I think it's control and then click the refresh button. I had this issue a few times but after a cache clear it seemed to work.
If you preordered it they should have sent you a beta code via email or in some time of box that they gave you. Check you paper work, you just plug that code into your account at Funcom and you should be ready to roll!
Well they could start like right now or something. I just think it would be interesting to see what some averages for some game companies would be. Like Blizzard, EA, Activision, Stuff like that.
I think it would be a good idea that when you click on a developer of a game, such as Blizzard Entertainment, it gives the average Gamespot score for all of their games.
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