Well, it's been quite sometime since my last review of a game, and after witnessing this abomination, I decided it was time to take a stance in the debate that has been raging for quite sometime.
No more dedicated servers. Period. What made Modern Warfare so great was that I, an American, was able to be in an Australian clan who customized their servers to my liking and were incredibly friendly at the same time. Good-bye gaming community! Those of you who enjoyed massive battles, including myself, will be severely disappointed. Now with the dumb Halo matchmaking system, we PC gamers never get to enjoy the community that was once found on the original Modern Warfare.
I believe this is due to the ridiculous emphasis put on console gaming. I say, screw the consoles! I want the unique experience that PC gaming has offered for years, not some cheap rip-off from a console version! I HIGHLY encourage everyone who is still pondering this game to BOYCOTT! The game developers will do nothing if we don't make a point, and quickly. I can't believe I payed $60 for a game that I wanted for the multiplayer when it was even worse than I had suspected it of being.
And now, unfortunately, there is no fallback. Many of the clans on the original Modern Warfare servers have shut down in protest. Because of this dumb choice by the developers, BOTH games are suffering.
Screw consoles and screw those who disregard the wishes of the gaming community. If you have any love left for PC gaming, THINK CAREFULLY before purchasing this game.
If some of you think this is a rant, oh well. At least someone might read this and agree. Just consider why you want this game and that the experience you had on the original Modern Warfare may, by no means, be anything similar on the sequel.
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