As long as Microsoft runs it, it will never be free. It is worth getting though as there is fun to be had among the torrent of annoying little kids who infest XBL. Patience is required. :)
Some people probably say they hate it simply because they can. Others won't like it because it isn't as big as San Andreas, there isn't as much to do and you can't fly planes. However, if they had been following GTA4's progress from the early days they would have known that the game was going in that direction. Rockstar wanted to make a more refined game that felt much more like a living breathing world. They definitely succeeded. If you seriously think the game is boring then you haven't played it properly or you haven't played a multi-player game where 16 people are let loose in an airport armed with just RPG's. That is fun! You know that GTA4 will be a more serious game than the previous ones so why complain that isn't as "silly", "fun" whatever.
Why are there still people asking this question? The 360 has been out for a few years now and people still don't know which way to store it? It doesn't matter. It was made to be stored vertically or horizontally. As long as you don't move it while it's turned on and be careful around it it won't make an ounce of difference.
Try using 720p. I don't have a HDTV but people say there's barely any visual difference between 720 and 1080 unless you have a huge TV (around the 50" mark).
Highlight My Xbox on the dashboard. Scroll to the right until your at System Settings. Click that and then go into Display Settings. You can change screen resolution there and whether you're using a HDTV or not.
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