finish one match not round with a perfect. So if set to best of three that would mean u have to get two perfect rounds in a row if set to best of one you onle need one to finish the match! finish 3 matches not rounds with ultra finishes! so in other words set your matches to best of one. get one perfect match. Then finish the 3 with ultras. Oh and dont die. if you die you have to start over. My problem was that i kept finishing 1 round with a perfect and 3 rounds with ultras when i should have been getting 2 rounds with a perfect to complete the match and a total of 6 rounds with ultras to complete the 3 match requirement.smallfry506
I can tell you that this guy's method definitely works, I tried doing it with just 2 perfects and three ultras total, didn't work, then I switched it over to one round and did the same thing and it got him to appear.
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