To answer your questions that you asked..
1. Yes, the shield does have an affect, it doubles the amount of AP you generate from attacks. I was wondering that myself and decided to try all of his different attacks with the shield and without. For instance, the bone/axe throw move that he throws in a horizontal line generates 10 AP without the shield equipped. With the shield, it generates 20 AP.
2. Most people that I see that are good with Sir Dan use a combination of Fire Breath, axe/bone throw, and his charge move all with the shield equipped. He also seems to be a favorite of a few people that have mastered him online, and is incredibly difficult to play against when he is played right. He has a higher than average melee range.
3. (Off-topic) Toro is a great character, and one of the best of the "small" ones to choose from. His curtain moves are where he shines, you can change your playstyle mid-fight easily. I use Toro, Ratchet, and most recently Sweet Tooth the most.
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