Wow.....I am actually surprised about this. First Microsoft removes the DRM for the Xbox One and now Donnie leaves Microsoft for Zynga. Not rather to be happy or scared at the moment since I might have missed Y3K weeks ago. Congrats though.
FINALLY! A Microsoft/Xbox Executive that isn't saying stupid shit and is actually pointing out the B.S that Microsoft is currently doing. Granted that Pete is a former executive but even still.......
Peter and certain employees/former employees/executives/etc like him can make Microsoft change the way they're doing in their business practices.
..........yeah **** you Donnie and your arrogant attitude. I really hope Microsoft isn't actually for real on this. On ALL of this PR self-destruction. But what do I know? Donnie to fans including myself is the Scrappy-Doo of Microsoft.
I'm really unsure rather to get a PS3 just because their PR is so goddamn bad.
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