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SONY - Has a Way of Telling Stories

I say that literally, because they know how to tell stories. And add a punch to it. Like with their latest games; Uncharted 2, then later on; Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time. Sorry Nintendo Wii fans. But when SONY makes games, they make sure to include the full game; beginning > game itself > actual ending. With Nintendo, you only get half that with some of it's games. Which can be pretty boring. I would've said the same with Microsoft, but unfortunately my system died down ^^;. So now it's just up to the PS3 and Wii, which I mostly use PS3. But though, the Wii ain't bad though. As I still play it, and with upcoming games like; Arc Rise Fantasia, and the hopeful; Tales of Graces. It still has some kick in it left. And it's not to say that Nintendo's a bad company either. It's just that I'd prefer a company that actually delivers their games with the complete package (story, cinematic and ending). Like how SQUARE does with Final Fantasy.